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Invitation Letter

Page history last edited by Mark P 15 years, 9 months ago

Invitation Letter


Last sent early January 2006:

Happy holidays!


If you're receiving this e-mail, you may recall I run a dining club. Its purpose is to get a small gathering of friends together once a week to experience new restaurants. I try to choose the restaurants so that they'll be good or at least interesting; sometimes I succeed. :)


This e-mail is to remind you that this club is going on and you're invited! If you want to get on the mailing list, please tell me.


This is the only invitation-spam that I'll send this year about this. If you don't reply, you won't hear from me about this until 2007.


<<< Details >>>


Our outings are usually mid-week (frequently Wednesdays) in San Francisco. They're scheduled late enough that those of us coming from elsewhere can make it without hitting significant rush hour traffic. San Francisco is the current focus because of its restaurant selection and convenience to most regulars. The restaurants tend to be mid- to high-end, costing $25-40/person counting taxes and tips, though we occasionally exceed that range (on both ends). If you would like to join and have an preference for different times, days, costs of meals, or locations, feel free to tell me your concerns. We can always compromise.


We try to eat family style if at all possible. If not possible -this happens very infrequently-, we still cut off bites of dishes for others, so everyone gets to try everything.


Below is the list of places we went last year.


Below that is the latest e-mail I sent to the mailing list announcing the destination for this week.


Again, please tell me if you would like to join.


The only caveat I have is that I like having regulars. That way everyone knows everyone and the atmosphere is much more fun, open, and relaxed. You certainly don't need to come every outing, but coming at least once a month makes a nicer atmosphere.


Oh, and feel free to pass along this invitation to other friends.


List of destinations and sample reviews

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