Cafe Torre Review
Last Thursday we went to Cafe Torre in Cupertino. It was a decent Italian restaurant -Italian biased toward seafood-, especially given that it was in a strip mall. If you're looking for a place with a wide selection of wines, mostly by the glass, then this might be the place to go. But as a whole, of the three Italian restaurants we've been to this year, the first restaurant we visited - La Pastaia - still remains the best in my impression.
Original Announcement
I've been hassled for lack of sending e-mails about food, so here's another e-mail. We'll head toward Cafe Torre this Thursday at 7pm. It's been alternatively described as a "Mediterranean-style bistro" or a "wonderful Cal-Italian" restaurant. If you put those together, you should probably get the idea. :) In any case, it should be good.
If you care, here's some reviews:
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