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Page history last edited by Mark P 15 years, 10 months ago

Delirium Review


We went to Delirium after Cama.


Delirium was the opposite of Cama in many ways. It's dive bar: pool table, jukebox, and all. No fancy mixed drinks were advertised here. It was packed (and on a Wednesday night!) and quite gender balanced. And best of all, it played good music, all stuff we liked but didn't listen to regularly, and at a volume at which we could converse. And I enjoyed the few screens in the bar playing, with captions, The Daily Show and, later, the Cartoon Network's late night programming (Adult Swim).


Original Announcement


Since this was a spur-of-the-moment post-dinner destination, there was no original announcement.


Comments from Other Attendees


Yeah, I agree about Delirium beging good. Though, it wasn't a usual Wednesday night. I think you have to go back on like, a January Wednesday to know if its normally like that or if it was because its the one of the last shopping days before Christmas so more people were out afterwards. -Seth

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