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Page history last edited by Mark P 15 years, 9 months ago

House of Prime Rib Review


The House of Prime Rib is excellent. I know many on this list prefer steak to prime rib, but that could be because you've never had good prime rib. I never found good prime rib on this coast (and, yes, I tried it at many steak-houses) until last week when I went there with my parents. It was tender, juicy, and flavorful, without any of the icky smoked or pork-like flavor that some steak-houses provide when they attempt to cook prime rib. So if you don't think you like prime rib, try it at least once at the House of Prime Rib and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.


Incidentally, along with your money you get a large salad with a spicy thousand-island-like dressing; the salad also contains a small smattering of beets, which turned out to be surprisingly good, with an understated flavor. (I'm not usually a fan of beets.) You also get a fresh out of the oven sourdough roll, a choice of baked or mashed potato (if you chose baked, they take whatever toppings you want -bacon, butter, sour cream, chives- and prepare it for you!; as for the mashed potatoes, they are deliciously creamy), creamed spinach, and yorkshire pudding (which, mind you, isn't really a pudding at all but really just a soft puff pastry for mopping up the beef juices), along with a wide assortment of horseradish sauces (if you so desire to use with your meat). All in all, a very good meal with generous quantities and probably enough calories to last days.


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