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Page history last edited by Mark P 15 years, 9 months ago



Limon has been visited three times, once an official visit on 2005-03-31, once a personal visit on 2006-07-15, and once an unofficial visit on 2008-05-18.


Limon 2005-03-31 Review


Incidentally, those of you who missed Limon should really get there sometime. It was one of the best restaurants (maybe the best) I've been to since I came back from New York. We had started with a selection of ceviches for appetizers: quite good. For entrees we had Saltado de Pollo (chicken sauteed with onions, tomatoes and fries) which had an excellent sauce that I kept putting on rice and just couldn't get enough of it. We also had Churrasco ala Parilla which was basically an equisitely cooked steak with some wonderful spices. Dessert included a Chocolate Bandido ("a flourless chocolate cake") analogous to a chocolate souffle. Like all the other dishes, we scraped literally every last little crumb out of this dish.


Original 2005-03-31 Announcement


To continue this increasing mis-named thread, I'm planning to go to Limon on Thursday night at 8:30pm. It's supposedly one of the best Peruvian restaurants in the city, located in the Mission district.



Please join me.


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Limon 2006-07-15 Review


Limon once again provided itself worthy of our praise, though our visit was marred by our need to hurry and service that exacerbated this problem.


We arrived around 7pm and were seated under the request from the hostess that we leave by 8:30pm. We said no problem, as we had a movie to get to by 8:20pm.


The meal opened with some spongy sourdough bread and some very good creamy, well balanced, and softened butter.


While waiting for our order, one person sipped a glass of riesling. (I don't know which one.) Dry, fragrant, subtle, and with no aftertaste, we all liked it. We started getting worried when a couple sitting next to us that sat down after us had their food delivered while we were still waiting.


Soon thereafter the waiter stopped by to deliver a small dish, "compliments of the chef." On each was a delicious cylinder of mashed sweet potatoes (though the ingredients were surely not that simple) and spicy (mustard-based?) dressing. The waiter said our orders would arrive in a few minutes. We figure this meant the kitchen had screwed up and was trying to make it up to us.


When they arrived (over the course of about four minutes, making us wonder if they'd forgotten one), we started to gulp them down so we could make it to the movie on time.


We shared an exquisite order of "tartara de atun," diced tuna mixed with subtle spices and served on wonton crackers. More complex and interesting than tuna sushi.


One person had the fried calamari. This was terrific. Lightly breaded, it wasn't greasy. Yet it also had the mild taste of the squid inside while still being light since the squid was cut so thinly. And the chipotle aioli dressing make it fantastic. (Remark: she actually ordered a different calamari dish but, short on time and very happy with this dish, we didn't bother to / forgot to complain.)


Another person had the ceviche; my one taste made me think it was good.


I had the lomo saltado, the steak, fries, onions, and tomato dish I raved about from our last visit. Sadly, it wasn't as good as I remember. The meat was still high-quality and I still enjoy the effect of fries soggy with juice but the sauce wasn't as addictive this time.


While a good meal, I might've rated this restaurant more highly if we actually had time to relax, enjoy, and analyze the food.


Original 2006-07-15 Announcement


Since Limon was an impulsive dinner stop between movies (at the Silent Film Festival), there was no original announcement or planning. We were surprised they were able to seat us at 6:45pm on a Saturday night.


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Limon 2008-05-18 Review


Limon served us fairly good dishes, though nothing was truly great. We had:


  • Tatara de atun ("diced sushi-grade Ahi Tuna, Asian pears, roasted red bell peppers and pine nuts tossed in rocoto and sesame seed oil, served with Aji Amarillo aioli and crispy won tons"). Pretty good. Four wontons were nowhere near enough for all the tuna.
  • Ceviche: two ceviches "marinated in rocoto and lime juice, served with yam, and Peruvian corn" (one of fish and one of mixed seafood) and one ceviche of fish marinated in rocoto creamy sauce. Decent. The fish in the ceviche had strong fibers, making them hard to cut and eat. The mixed ceviche was of a bit better quality. The non-creamy ceviche wasn't as acidic as most ceviches. (I mention this because too much acid sometimes bothers us.) I actually preferred the creamy sauce in the ceviche (but that may have been my mood).
  • Chicarron de pollo (chicken fried then served with "salsa criolla and lime vinaigrette"). The chicken had nice spicing but was dry.
  • Lomo soltado ("traditional Peruvian dish of top sirloin slices sauteed with onions, tomatoes and fries, served with a side of rice"). This was a good and fairly good rendition of a standard dish. As expected, we enjoyed the sauce. It's nice how some fries remained crispy despite soaking in it. Our only complaint was that the meat was chewy. Perhaps it wasn't up to the quality of sirloin?
  • Bandido: Limon's flourless chocolate cake with caramelized banana, and some ice cream we didn't catch the description of. This looked nothing like the last such cake I had here. Not bad. The cake was soft and gooey and much like the chocolate syrup it was covered in. The fried banana was good.


The total was $30/person including tax and tip but not including drinks.


Original 2008-05-18 Announcement


Since Limon was a spontaneous destination we chose after playing our recreation of the Chinese New Year Treasure hunt, there was no original announcement.


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