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Page history last edited by Mark P 15 years, 9 months ago

Background on Quebec Restaurants


As part of my trip to Quebec City, I did much research via chowhound, Fodor's, Frommer's, Yahoo travel, and other web sites on good restaurants nearby. Frankly, there wasn't much about the city of Quebec. Judging by the reviews, Quebec's restaurant scene seems geared toward the ultra-expensive, four star restaurants serving haute cuisine. Still, I managed to sift through the reviews to find a number of cheaper, more locally distinctive joints at which to eat.


Context for this Particular Restaurant


I didn't select Panetier Baluchon due to any recommendation. Rather, I knew I didn't want to eat the free breakfast at the hotel. I knew I wanted something light and breakfasty. Most recommendations I had for morning meals (with the notable exception of Chez Temporel) were brunch places. Hence, I decided to follow my nose.




While searching for a lunch place the day earlier, I stuck my head in a bakery. It smelled divine. So, I decided we should give it a try for breakfast on this day.


Panetier Baluchon Review

We hiked under overcast skies through occasional drizzle to a bakery outside the walls of Old Quebec. Panetier Baluchon ( http://www.panetier-baluchon.com/ ) was further than I'd estimated and, frankly, probably wasn't worth the trip.


Still, it smelled good inside and had on display a nice selection of baked goods.


We ordered:

  • a lemon poppy seed muffin: quite moist and intense.
  • a chocolatine (i.e., pain au chocolat): ranks in the bottom half of the ones we've tried. Has only a bit of chocolate, a hard crust, and no flakiness.
  • a croissant with almond cream. Like a "super duper bear claw" but even more filling, take that as you may.


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