Zachary's Review
Cannot locate review at the moment.
Original Announcement
In general, pizza, as its nature as a relatively cheap fallback food for hungry late night college stduents, may not get much respect as real, good meal. We're going to see if this lack of respect is deserved by going to the most famous pizza joint in the area, Zachary's. I can't say enough about it.. true Chicago stuffed pizza.. voted best Pizza by citysearch, by Best of Berkeley, tremendous reviews from Zagats, sf chronicle, the chowhounds rave about it..
You can read about it at
(which has a number of reviews, including a link to the sfgate one) Since the sfgate review is fairly representative and complete, I won't bother sending out more.
I was thinking meeting at the Zachary's on College Avenue in Oakland on Tuesday at 7:30pm. (Be careful, there are two Zachary's locations.) 7:30pm should be late enough that people coming here from the south bay should be able to leave late enough (6:40) that they shouldn't hit much traffic. The one we're going to is right by the Rockridge BART station, fwiw. And bring cash; they don't accept credit. I think Tuesday will probably have the shortest lines, so that's when we're going.
Maybe we can do something cool afterwards too? Berkeley or the city..
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